
Showing posts from November, 2016
Good morning everyone. Here's my latest painting, a black and white on St. John Bosco. Also known as St. Don Bosco from Italy. A beautiful saint to check up on. Thank you, Theresa

Don Bosco '16

Happy blog post early; a start to the new week. I would post tomorrow, but I work early and won't have a chance to get my blog up before days end. So this week I'm celebrating my painting with St. John Vianney from France. His life is amazing early history read if you have a moment to look him up. I was told this painting looked like a water color. Just to let everyone know it's still done in acrylic paints. I hope you enjoy this weeks blog. Thank you, Theresa

St. John Vianney '16

Good Morning everyone. So I have been getting asked if I draw before I paint. I  don't, I paint free style with all my paintings taking one thing at a time. My latest painting, I took different shots just to show everyone what exactly happens when I start to paint till the end. Sometimes it takes longer than it probably should doing it free style but I love the challenge. Thank you so much for checking out this weeks blog. Enjoy! Theresa 

Begining to End Jesus ' 16

What a beautiful fall day. I'm glad I got my blog Tarantula done today. I felt bad that my scorpion didn't haven't a pair to do go with him. So the what would be better than a big hairy spider to go with him. This is my creation for this week hope you enjoy. Thank you, Theresa

Tarantula '16
