
Showing posts from September, 2016
What a beautiful start to the week, getting another painting of Saint Mother Teresa accomplished. This is my fourth painting of her as I'm trying to advance in faces I'm slowly getting better. Someone made the comment that this one looked like it was done in pencil. Not sure if that's a good thing or not. Hope you enjoy! Thank you, Theresa 

Saint Mother Teresa Hour of Prayer '16

This was a special request from someone who is inspired deeply by this Beautiful saint of our times. I am moved by her very works that she did when she was alive. Giving everything to those who needed it the most and doing so with a smile and love for God. I hope you enjoy this weeks blog and if you have a chance, check her life story out, it's an awesome read. Thank you, Theresa

Saint Mother Teresa '16

Happy Monday everyone I'm so excited I got my blog painting done today. One of the biggest animals out there. This challenge came from a co-worker which I have to say I haven't done a elephant before. Can't wait to see what other challenges will come my way. Thank you, Theresa

Elephant '16

Happy Sunday everyone! I started to start out this week with a beautiful black horse painting. I'm happy on how it turned out so I hope you like it as well. Thank you, Theresa

Horse '16
